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Day in the Life of a High-Performing SDR: Key Takeaways

Ever wondered how the top SDRs spin their magic? Let’s take a walk through a day in the life of a high-performing SDR here at EngageTech

Hello, SDR all-stars! 🌅

Ben Welch-Baines is one of many high-performing SDRs here at EngageTech, and in our recent 2024 SDR Benchmarking Report, was kind enough to share a detailed overview of what his typical day looks like. Here are some of the key takeaways, but make sure you download the report (link at the end) to uncover the full details as it is packed with gold!

The Early Bird Catches the Worm

Ben is a high-flyer who starts his day early, fuelled by coffee and a glance at his goals. It’s not just about being an early riser; it’s about setting the tone for a day of wins.

Time-Blocking Mastery

Ben will divide his day into focused blocks - prospecting, outreach, follow-ups, and self-improvement. Each block is sacred, ensuring peak productivity without the burnout.

Leveraging Tech Like a Pro

From CRM to auto-diallers, Ben uses technology not just to ease the workload but to bring a personal touch to each interaction. It’s about working smarter, not harder.

The Power of Active Listening

In calls and meetings, Ben aims to listen more than he talks, turning conversations into opportunities. It’s about understanding, not just responding.

Continuous Learning

Whether it’s a podcast during lunch or a webinar in the afternoon, Ben is always learning, always evolving. Stagnation is the enemy.

Reflection and Gratitude

At day’s end, reflection on wins and learnings, coupled with gratitude for the team's support, keeps the spirit high and the motivation unbreakable.

Key Takeaway

The secret sauce? Discipline, smart use of technology, continuous learning, and a dash of gratitude.

Feeling inspired? Dive into our SDR Benchmarking Calculator to see where you stand and download the full EngageTech SDR Cold Calling Benchmarking Report - 2024 for more insights into reaching your peak performance, as well as Ben's full write up. Here’s to elevating your SDR game! 🚀


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